Guide to Programming Multi-Language Studies
Creating a multi-language study allows you the opportunity to gather data from participants around the world. Using the Forsta Surveys Survey Editor and XML ...
Programming Multi-Language Surveys
Note: If you have never created a multi-language project, read the Guide to Programming Multi-Language Studies. You are able to program multi-language survey...
Translating Multi-Language Studies
If you've never created a multi-language project, be sure to read the Guide to Programming Multi-Language Studies.1: About The Translation ProcessA translat...
Best Practices for Programming Multi-Language Surveys
Note: If you have never before created a multi-language project, be sure to read our Guide to Programming Multi-Language Studies.The following best practices...
Testing Survey Translations
Note: If you've never created a multi-language project, be sure to read the Guide to Programming Multi-Language Studies. 1: Manually Test Translations Manu...
Making Live Translation Changes
Note: If you've never created a multi-language project, be sure to read the Guide to Programming Multi-Language Studies. 1: Creating a Copy of the Survey ...
Making Changes to Translations for Multi-Language Studies
Working with a Live Study? See Making Live Translation Changes to learn about making translation changes to a live study.If you've never created a multi-lang...
Available Survey Languages
Forsta Surveys supports a large variety of languages that can be added to surveys using either the Language Manager Overview or the decLang variable in the X...
Terming Based on Language and URL
Often in multi-language surveys, you will want to verify that participants are actually from the locations that their URL states. In this example, we can te...
Language Manager Overview
The Language Manager allows you to manage multiple survey languages from a single location.To access the Language Manager, click "More Tools" under "BUILD" i...